- Interesting things from myself:
A script for windows user to get computer's Log on&off information.
LogInfo.ps1 -
A snake AI wrote in JavaScript with 84 lines code.
Snake AI Blog - Interesting things from others:
数值算法教程网页(附 Python 代码)
Numerical Methods for Engineers -
Windows 使用 Html 修改桌面(可动态、可交互)
Github: NoisyWinds/Wallpaper -
Github: debauchee/barrier -
A beautiful formatting library for python
Github: willmcgugan/rich -
The best prompt I think
Github: romkatv/powerlevel10k -
Get weather infomation in terminal
Github: chubin/wttr.in -
Fast searching solution for terminal users
Github: chubin/cheat.sh -
A light-weigted workspace manager for Windows user
Github: henkman/virgo